About CV Projects Barcelona Backgammon Jessica Oriol Email


The Worlds cruelest game.

Me and my backgammon boards
I started playing Backgammon in 1992 on my computer. After a short while I was beating the computer 95% of the time, and I needed to know more about the game, because I knew that it had to be more than to roll dice and move like you think is right. Digging for information didn't reveal a lot, but I start playing on FIBS where I met strong players and leaned that I was not that good after all... So, since then, I've just played it a lot, read a couple of books, started a backgammon club (Bergen Backgammon Club
in Norway), made my own backgammon board and occasionally tried to stay away for some weeks not to get too hooked. I am playing occasionally in a club here in Barcelona since 2001(see below for links). 

The game
Backgammon is easy to learn, but it takes lots of years and hundred thousands of games to be able to somewhat master the game. Even if you have played 50 years, anyone can, with a bit of luck, beat you. But of course in the long run, over a couple of matches, the experienced player will probably win.

The game is a 2 player game and it consist of 30 pieces (stones) in two different colors, 15 to each player, you need at least one set of two dices, preferably two dices to each player, a board and a cube to double the match and of course a board to play on!

lf you want to learn to play it, check out the links about backgammon below. The best is to go to a club near your home, meet players and offer some money so they can teach you - you won't regret it. 


General information

Below there are some links to sites that offers free information about backgammon. From the sites I mention you should be able to navigate on to other sites that offer what you might be searching for.
o GammOnLine
Kit Woolsey's Online Backgammon Magazine -Costs $36/year.
o GammonVillage.com
Lots of tournament results and advice on strategy. Not free anymore.
o rec.games.backgammon
via Google - A web interface to the rec.games.backgammon newsgroup. Mostly noise, but occasionally a true gem of wisdom appears.
o Backgammon Galore!
Newsgroup Archive - Not kept up to date any more, but has many interesting comments about backgammon.
o Bravenet Backgammon Strategy Forum
Good discussions of backgammon strategy.
o Glossary
Backgammon terminology from Backgammon Galore!
o Snowie!
Imagine getting the world champion to analyze your games for you. And she's awake 24 hours a day, and will even stop to playing positions against herself for you. Warning: very expensive
o JellyFish
JellyFish doesn't have quite as nice an interface as Snowie, but plays nearly as well (you can't tell the difference!) and is cheaper.
o GNU Backgammon
GNU Backgammon is as strong as the other two programs, but has the distinct advantage of being free. The disadvantage is that it's not as well polished, and compiling the code is not for the faint of heart!
o SlapGammon
SlapGammon is for Palm OS (Palm Pilots, Handspring Visors, Sony Cliés, etc.). It has all the features of the above programs for much less! Created by Jordan of DailyGammon.com!
o Chicago Point Links
Not enough links here for you? Get your heart's fill here!

My links

o Bergen Backgammon Club (BBgC)
I am very happy to see that the club still exist with a good group of dedicated players! Hope to be able to reach a club-night when I come for vacation!
o Q-Gammon
After almost 3 years of no real-life backgammon experience, in 2001, I am back in the bar (but not on the bar...)
Here are some direct links to my achievements in Barcelona:
Best player of 2001
Best player of 2002
Best player of 2003
Current Ranking in 2004

Winner of 4th playoff 2001
Runner-up in 1st "Suis" 2001
   o Winner of 2nd "Suis" 2002
   o Consolation winner of 5th playoff 2002
Runner-up 6th playoff 2003
Winner of 3rd "Suis" 2003

Where to play online

Below is a brief list of places to play on the internet.  Please seach on their web sites for help and more information.
o Dailygammon.com 
(Highly recommended!)
This is the latest server I have signed up for. Reminds you of Richards PBeM, but it is over the WEB. I play most of my online-backgammon here.
o Yahoo games
They have a great collection of games, and in the Backgammon section there are normally more than 2000 people logged on! 
Sign up and challenge KennRamb if you see him logged on.
o Richards PBeM Server
Richard Rognlie and Gamerz.net are running an "PlayByEMail" server. He has a good collection of games. One of the great thing about PBM is that you don't need to stay online to finish the game, and you can play multiple games with one or more people. There is bunch of great people whom you can chat with during the games and some strong players as well. Just one negative side I want to point out, it is only allowed to play 1 point matches, even thou doubling cube is present. Occasional tournaments are arranged.
Challenge Ramberg when you've signed in.
First Internet Backgammon Server. Offers online Backgammon by telnet and with use of free graphical interfaces. Known and strong players are present and as well as strong computer programs. It has been a long time since I've played on this server, so maybe someone else can tell you more about the server. I had a player called Ramberg, but I guess I've been deleted.